Hélène Larocque has been passionate about wellness dating back to 2002 when she lived through numerous traumatic life experiences that forced her to take a look at her own wellness. Through her personal journey, she continues to openly share and advocate the importance of wellness from a “360” perspective. She wholeheartedly lives and breathes wellness in her personal life and with her current workplace as the Wellness Project Coordinator for a world renowned pediatric hospital. She is a 2019 graduate of the IAWP holistic wellness certification.
Through her accredited education with the International Association of Wellness Professionals, she is trained in a unique health philosophy called Wellness 360™ that helps people to create health and balance in all areas of their lives.
She uses a proven coaching process called the CORE Coaching Method which supports her clients to not only reach their goals but helps them to create lasting changes.
As a Wellness 360™ Coach, she helps her clients through 5 proven steps designed to help them create total mind-body wellness with tons of support and guidance on their journey.
Learn more about her Wellness 360™ Coaching Programs
She also offers specific support related to living a sober life! See the tab about Alcohol Freedom for more info.
Connect with her Social Media!
- Workplace Wellness Project Coordinator (since April 2022)
- Drug, Solvent & Alcohol Abuse Counselling Diploma (2020)
- Certified Holistic Wellness Coach with the International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP) (graduated in 2019)
- Wellness 360™ Coach (IAWP)
- Alcohol Freedom Advocate (since 2016)
- NESTA Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist (2017)
- Workplace Wellness Advocate (since 2010)