Hélène Larocque has been passionate about wellness dating back to 2002 when she lived through numerous traumatic life experiences that forced her to take a look at her own wellness. Through her personal journey, she continues to  openly share and advocate the importance of wellness from a “360” perspective. She wholeheartedly lives and breathes wellness in her personal life and with her current workplace as the Wellness Project Coordinator for a world renowned pediatric hospital. She is a 2019 graduate of the IAWP holistic wellness certification.

Through her accredited education with the International Association of Wellness Professionals, she is trained in a unique health philosophy called Wellness 360™ that helps people to create health and balance in all areas of their lives.

She uses a proven coaching process called the CORE Coaching Method which supports her clients to not only reach their goals but helps them to create lasting changes.  

As a Wellness 360™ Coach,  she helps her clients through 5 proven steps designed to help them create total mind-body wellness with tons of support and guidance on their journey.

Learn more about her Wellness 360™ Coaching Programs

She also offers specific support related to living a sober life! See the tab about Alcohol Freedom for more info.

Connect with her Social Media!

Let go of what no longer serves you and return to your authentic and best life!


  • Workplace Wellness Project Coordinator (since April 2022)
  • Drug, Solvent & Alcohol Abuse Counselling Diploma (2020)
  • Certified Holistic Wellness Coach with the International Association of Wellness Professionals (IAWP) (graduated in 2019)
  • Wellness 360™ Coach (IAWP)
  • Alcohol Freedom Advocate (since 2016)
  • NESTA Lifestyle & Weight Management Specialist (2017)
  • Workplace Wellness Advocate (since 2010)