100 Days of Alcohol Freedom

Have you come to a point in your life where you question your relationship with alcohol or you feel you are drinking perhaps more than what is deemed healthy and it’s starting to impact your life?

That’s where I was at when I hit age 50 in 2016 – a milestone birthday that reminded me of how my sister passed away at that age due to her issues with alcohol.

In an effort to change my habits – I dove into my FIRST Lose ‘Da Booze 100 Day Challenge following my birthday in September. For 100 consecutive days, I cut out ‘da booze and I blogged my progress. I then took a break between Christmas and New Year’s. On January 1, 2017, I launched a group through Facebook where just over 140 people joined the 100 Day Challenge! The amazing energy and positive support that has come from this has prompted me to continue the group indefinitely to continue helping anyone who wishes to cut out the alcohol and live a healthy and happy AF (alcohol free) life. This particular challenge required the participant to do 100 CONSECUTIVE days without alcohol. We currently have grown to about 300 members and we provide wonderful support in a private and non-judgmental way (as a FREE secret Facebook group – so the group won’t even show up in your feeds as a suggested group for someone to join – only members can add members). We now call the group Lose ‘da Booze The Other Way – Where Better is Better because we support all paths to achieving more AF days!

Whatever your goal may be… perhaps you want to take a break for a month or simply shift into less days with drinks – this supportive FREE group can help get you there! If this speaks to you, then message me if you would like to join in!

I’m excited to continue this journey and hope to share it with those who feel they need to make a shift in their habits when it comes to alcohol. Feel free to post a comment and message me via Facebook if you want more information about various options (free and more intensive paid programs) to Lose ‘da Booze – The Other Way (where better is better).